Friday, February 24, 2006

salami is made of salvation,

who says there isn't a god?

click on the below sentence and learn how to hate yourself all over again.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

under siege

so... i have a guilty pleasure of good, old-fashioned B-movies.
let's say the movie, 2046, for example, has a certain delicious flavor and consistency, much like foie gras. but sometimes, you just want a Whopper. extra mayonnaise, if you could.
which brings me to the battleship bonanza of Under Siege. here, you have all the makings of a trashy classic. case in point: Steven Seagal, registering the emotional range of a Kleenex. (Interesting side note: initially, they were going to give him the last name "Seagull," but the birds employed in the screen adaptation of Jonathon Livingston Seagull balked that they would have to suffer a comparison of abilities.)
then there is Tommy Lee Jones playing a semi-psychotic harmonica playing wannabe-hippie... so he's just really playing himself. and do we really want anything more from him?
then there's Gary Busey. what can i say... he seems at least half-sober for most of the movie, but you get to see him in a dress, and you just wish he wore that to Celebrity Fit Camp just once. in this get-up, you can also notice the remarkable similarity to Hilary Duff... and i don't just mean that absent, listless look in their eyes.
and Erika Eleniak... has the world known more creamy, buttery boobs? i don't think so. the way she pops out of that cake makes me weep. not for what is. but for the man i was never meant to be. who knew, given some hair extensions and a skimpy red bathing-suit, the lives she would save as she jiggled her way up and down the west-coast. where is her Nobel Prize? where's her self-serving trip to the holy land? where.... where is she? i'm sure VH1 will find out soon enough.
beyond all these incredible performances we get Macgyver-like maneuvers and a renewed faith in someone with a greasy ponytail.
it all kinda makes me wanna join the navy.
besides, i've seen the porn. i know what kind of sex they have there.
god bless america.

under siege - B+
navy sex - A-

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

rhymes with goulash

so... i just french-kissed my cat, Floyd.
how about that?

Monday, February 06, 2006

radical catholics.

my friends.
i apologize for nothing new lately... i know i have been absent for a much-too extended period before... and now look, i've gone and done it again. this isn't an actual blog or post or anything. before anyone starts to hate me or forget about me, i just wanted to make a little disclaimer.
i'm still here and i am still checking up on all y'all. (amanda, i've started calling my tables "y'all" because of you. please tell me you still do.) i just don't have anything to contribute lately.
anyway y'all, this cowboy is just dealing with shit right now, and i seem to be unravelling (if i wanna be all meryl streep about it).
how long is it until summer?

alright. let me give some glimmer of something interesting... at least to me anyway.
being the loser that i am, i read movie reviews online for at least an hour a day. it's part of the reason why i am the movie snob i am today. anyway, a well-written movie review, in itself, can be a piece of art. pauline kael is one of my heroes (may she rest in peace). i just wanted to share this snippet of a review of the upcoming "final destination 3," which i am sure is attrocious, but i will eventually view anyway. regardless.
"...To prefer Final Destination 3 to its predecessor is to prefer the company of a cracked-out whore to a drag queen. Loudly and proudly, the queen mocks her audience but not without ribbing herself—and certainly without judgment. The street hooker, on the other hand, shows you her cooter, slaps you in the face for trying to touch it, and then shows it to you again. In short: she's nasty and doesn't make a whole lot of sense..."
- Ed Gonzalez
brilliant... i think i may have found my calling.